Goal Setting Pro Course Intro

How to Win at this Course

Do what makes your win. Sound simple enough eh? But so often we set ourselves up to fail. We get on a diet but make cookies, we say we want to work out but don’t pack our gym clothes knowing that, if we make it home, we will be too tired to get back out. Don’t do that. Don’t set yourself up to lose or be frustrated. Set yourself up to win. Do what you need to do to prepare. Print out your worksheets, have them with you at all times, be ready-prepare to win. 

If you know that you absolutely cannot control your addiction to social media, then don’t just put the phone aside, turn it off while you do your work.

If you know that you will accept any call, any distraction, any level of help someone needs, again, turn your phone off, leave it in the car and sit in front of your computer for these lessons. It’s that important. 

Plan your work. If you know that you need about 10 minutes to decompress, get coffee, get your glasses, stretch, etc. then don’t schedule your work time to only 30 minutes. Add in those extra 10 minutes that you need to get yourself ready.


You need a minimum of 30 minutes per lesson in this course. 

Next, and this is a BIGGIE.

Think like a WINNER. Yep, the whole time as you’re reading and doing the lessons, I want you to push negativity out of your mind. How you ask? Every time you start to feel like something won’t work, you aren’t good enough or that you aren’t ready, I want you to listen to { this } and ask yourself OUT ALOUD “ Why NOT ME ” and mean it damnit!


What’s in this Power Goal Setting Pro Course?

This FREE Goal Setting Pro Course is a mixture of lessons, advice, worksheets, and 2 LIVE Periscopes for you to ask questions and us to meet!

Make sure the check out the Agenda for this email series to make sure that you don’t miss a thing.

What if your want to go DEEPER?

The next step after ( or during) this course is to get your Master Strategy Planner. This course was to be chapter 1 of that planner. So, all of the lessons in the planner follow this course. Get your book, build your foundations, keep GROWING. Get your book here.

What’s Free Writing?

Many times in this course I will ask you to “free write”. I know that some of you don’t understand what this is, and to improve the way that you take this course, I want to spend a bit of time on it.

Free writing is basically sitting down and writing your first thoughts, whatever comes to your mind, without fear of someone other than you reading it, without censoring yourself, without correcting errors and misspellings….. Just write and free your mind. Some of the BEST ideas, solutions AND books come from free writing.

Course Resources

We will mention several websites, books and sources for you to use, but also, below is a list of our sites that you may want to reference.


Social Media Channels to Connect with Us!

Periscope Bonus
Lesson 1

Periscope Bonus
Lesson 2

Get the Master Strategy Planner
