( Lesson 6 ) How to Breakdown Your Power Goal into Daily Tasks

{Worksheet #6 Daily Goal to Do’s }

Feeling a bit clearer eh? Now not only have you visualized your day, your life and put a message out there to the universe ( and yourself) of what you want, you also have a narrowed down list of items that you love that can also make you money. Lastly, you’ve listed your #1, 2, 3, & 4 goals for the next 12 months, so let start to break it down piece by piece.


List your #1 Goal. And for those of you who may have slipped through the cracks since I’m not standing over you, understand this here….. “ To be Successful ” ain’t a goal shah. You will never reach that. But if you said, my goal for the next 12 months is to make $2000 a month by writing and selling my book on healthcare that I will have drafted, written, edited and published within 2 months. This is a goal.

I’m sure, with a goal like that, you and I both will be reading your book in 2 months time.

So, you have your goal, now what will it take to reach it? What should you be doing daily to get closer and closer to done?


What is the #1 Goal? List it now.

Next. What are the top 3 things that you need to reach this goal? For example, let’s say the goal is to launch/write a book. So the 3 things you’d need to accomplish this goal is, a completed book, a marketing plan, and a design team to create your book cover and marketing materials.

Now, we are going to take the TOP 3 goals from above and break them down to a minute level because this helps you to organize your tasks. Yep, I like to get VERY detailed so that we have a better chance of getting the goal done. First, what do you need before you even launch into your goal? Being prepared helps you spend your limited time wisely. See sample pre-questions & physical needs below.

Take item 1 from the question above and list of what you need to complete this goal. For example, if one of the things you need is a completed book, what needs to happen so that you complete the book?


Example Pre-Questions, Physical Needs and Major Goal Breakdown

Goal Pre-Questions

What skills do I need to pick up or hire to get this project done?

Where can I get these skills ? ( example: a writing course)

Goal Physical Needs

Need a decent computer

Need access to a quiet place to write for 4 hours a week until the book is done

Need a babysitter to keep the kids for these 4 hours while I write


Top Need 1 ( A Completed Book )

I need to determine the message of my book and write a book draft or outline

I need to write a draft of the book

I need to find a reputable editor to edit the book

I need to learn about how to self-publish a book

I need a ibn number

I need to determine the colors of the book cover,


Top Need 2 (  a Marketing Plan) FYI, one of the lessons in ( this ) course breaks down a VERY detailed sample marketing plan and strategy…

What is the color theme of my whole project

Research how to market my book

Google sample book marketing plans and take notes

Read everything I can on book marketing and self-publishing on Pinterest

What’s my book project hashtag

Go to Instagram or ask for a referral to find the best photographer to do my book headshot

Where is my ideal client who will most likely buy the book?

What else is my ideal client reading?

Create a marketing plan draft on Google Docs


Top Need 3 ( A Design Team)

Draft a scope of work determining everything that I want the design team to create like my book cover, my book marketing pieces that I will use on websites

Check out designer examples of book covers and marketing materials on sites like behance, upwork, and google. After finding what I want, add this to my scope of work draft.

After finalizing my potential designers to work with, I will read through their customer feedback, job stipulations, work time and quality of work.

Finalize my draft of work and hire a designer.

Whew!! Ok, now that you’ve seen a BIG goal broken down into baby bites, you can see how to not only decide on on the needed tasks to get it done, you can chart these tasks easily by day on your calendar into the time that you are setting aside to work on your project.

I’ve found that a BIG reason folks that have absolutely everything that they need at their fingertips and don’t get things done ( other than fear) ….. they haven’t broken down each step. Breaking down each step is MUCH easier that staring at some HUGE goal.

Take some time, complete your worksheet and keep in mind, that you don’t have to be perfect. You DON’T have to know every step in advance. I PROMISE, I don’t think I have ever done a new project without revising my to do list and added or subtracting steps.

We are not looking for perfection here and if you’re looking to know everything BEFORE you even start…. You’ll never start a thing.

Remember, you CAN eat an elephant. Just not all in one sitting 🙂


Action Plan

  1. Complete your Daily Goal To Do’s Worksheet
  2. Know, understand and list your pre-needs and physical requirement
  3. Breakdown your TOP 3 Needs to get your goal completed
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